Monday, September 09, 2013

Remove duplicates from country specific Blogger urls

Here is how to clean up your blog from possible duplicates coming from country-specific Blogger URLs. First off what are these URLs and how are they produced. For example, if your original blog URL is: and you happen to visit the website from India you'll be served with the exact same content, but this time coming from domain .in like
That if left unchanged will surely create duplicate content in Google's index - because you're having 2 domains that serve exactly the same content. So here is how to check and fix your blog, avoiding such duplication issues.

0. Fix your canonical tags, and don't rely on fancy JavaScript redirects, which are not properly followed by search engines and lead to 2nd refresh of the webpage.
Just open up your blogger template and place in the section:
<link expr:href="data:blog.canonicalUrl" rel="canonical">
This way the search engine will know which is the legitimate version of the accessed content.
like if google crawls the canonical tag will reveal its representative URL as:

1. Check if you have already indexed content from domains outside yours.
by using the following search in google:
"nevyan.blogspot" -com 
or by manually checking all the domains found here:

2. For each domain found extract the indexed links:
 site: will list each of the indexed results coming from root domain Canada

3. Next open Google Webmaster tools and authenticate the domains as yours from: 'Add domain', and go to Google Index -> Remove URLs

4. Type the URLs and wait for the removal process to finish.
Note: in order for the removal to be successful be sure that those URLs have either meta noindex tag or are disallowed in custom robots.txt file


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